Controversial Cape Flats Pastor Oscar Bougardt has been slapped with a five year suspended sentence of thirty days behind bars should he contravene a court order relating to hate speech again.
Bougardt appeared before Judge Lee Bozaleck in the Western Cape High Court on Friday where he faced charges of hate speech and contravening a court order of 2014, in which he agreed not to discriminate against homosexuals or incite violence or harm.
Bougardt landed in hot water in 2014 over homophobic remarks he made on social media and was ordered by the court to refrain from publishing such statements again.
Video: Genevieve Serra/Daily Voice
Judge Bozaleck ruled that he was found in contempt of court: “The committed order is suspended for a period of five years on condition that the respondent does not again breach the terms of the Court order during such period.
“The respondent is found to have been in contempt of this Court’s Order of 11 August 2014 and he is committed in prison for a period of thirty days in respect thereof.”
*Read the full story in the Daily Voice on Monday.