Informal traders on the Grand Parade are taking the City of Cape Town to court.
The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) has filed an urgent application on behalf of the United Traders Association, calling for trading to resume at the Grand Parade, reports the Cape Argus.
The United Traders Association, Black Traders Association, Bus Terminus Traders Association and Hanover Street Traders Association had approached the centre for legal assistance after the City had refused to issue Covid-19 informal traders’ permits to traders, stopping them from continuing with business in terms of Level 4 lockdown regulations.
Attorney Khensani Motileni said the LRC was approached on 7 May and addressed a letter of clarity to the City regarding the Grand Parade traders.
Motileni said: “The biggest issue in contention is that the City refuses to allow our clients to continue trading on the Grand Parade on the basis that their trade operations are classified as a ‘flea market’, which is excluded under the lockdown Level 4 regulations.”
She added that it was within their rights to trade, as other informal traders were issued with informal trading permits.
“The LRC provides free legal services to the underprivileged, marginalised and discriminated individuals and communities,” said Motileni.
The matter is expected to reach court on Friday.
The City, ministers of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Small Business Development, had until Tuesday past to file opposing papers.
Cape Argus